We provide simple recipes that make the meals...
The food culture of our society is all about the meals. Making special dishes can be costly, but using current ingredients in our kitchens and pantry's not only saves time and money but also cuts down on food waste. Routine recipe searching can be quite daunting n trying to marry up inventory to a rolodex of recipes. Here you'll find basic ingredient meals to match what is on-hand and with an interactive menu to make ingredients and meal matching much quicker especially on those hectic weekday nights. Update! Since the Covid lockdown more and more people are growing their own food. We love this new adoption and will be adding recipes from growing to harvesting to table!
New recipes are cultivated all the time. Our goal is to keep it simple, yet tasteful and never a boring repeat. Check back often to find the latest foodie news. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media!
One of the best way to get more acquainted with the bounty of food options is to share your own recipes with us! Our SmartPantry community has an eclectic array of recipes that grows exponentially providing a vast array of options and cultural opportunities to enjoy different tastes and textures that may not have been experienced, given the limited and often unique ingredients used.
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